FNB Matatiele Branch Code

FNB Matatiele Branch is located at 119 High St, Matatiele, 4730, South Africa. The branch’s contact number is +27873453380, and its email address is info@fnb.co.za. The FNB Matatiele Branch Code is 220322.

FNB Bank Hours

Monday09h00 – 15h30
Tuesday09h00 – 15h30
Wednesday09h00 – 15h30
Thursday09h00 – 15h30
Friday09h00 – 15h30
Saturday08h30 – 11h00

If you need to contact FNB for other concerns, you may visit their official website and access their Contact Us page. From there, you can find important numbers for specific concerns such as fraud and disputes and security center locators, ATM locators, and branch locators. You may also book a branch visit or locate a temporary branch closure.

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