ABSA to Capitec Bank Transfer Time 2024

ABSA to Capitec Bank Transfer Time

When we transfer money from Absa to Capitec bank account, usually it goes through within minutes, but in some cases, it can take up to 1 hour, and if it’s a holiday, it can take 1 to 2 days. However, this only happens in rare cases.

How Long Does it Take to Transfer Money From Absa to Capitec Bank?

The time of day you transfer the funds will determine the speed your funds will arrive in an Absa bank account. Transactions processed after 1600H get processed the next day. For instance, if you transfer the money after official working hours, it will be processed the following day.

It takes 1 hour to transfer money from Absa to Capitec Bank but sometimes it can take longer

Payments made from an Absa account to other banks may take up to one business days to clear. Pay & Clear Now payments may take up to 60 minutes to clear.

Frequently asked questions

Can I transfer my funds from Absa to Capitec Bank at the weekend?

Money that is transferred during weekends and holidays can take even longer than 2-3 days to reflect in some cases.

How long does it take to transfer money from Absa to Capitec Bank?

The transfer can take up to 48 hours before the money is reflected in your bank account. In extreme cases, the money may take up to three days to reflect in your account after being transferred by Absa.

How long does it take to transfer my funds from Capitec to another bank?

Any electronic funds transfer paid from Capitec to another bank without immediate clearance takes anything between 24 hours to 72 hours to reflect. The transfer time does not include weekends and public holidays.


This post was dedicated to showing you the Absa to Capitec bank transfer times. It was noted that transferring money from Absa to another bank takes between two and three days. So, you need to be patient. Note, however, that you can opt to have money transferred quickly. In that case, you should use the instant payment option.

Editorial Note: The information in this post is deemed accurate at the time of publication. Please note that we are not affiliated with Absa, and the bank reserves the right to change its operations as it deems fit. Neither the author nor the publisher of this website is liable for any losses that may occur from this use or misuse of the information in this post.

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Hello friends, my name is RK Singh and I am an engineer. However, by profession, I am a blogger; I have a keen interest in the finance niche. My main goal in starting this blog is to solve the difficulties people face in using online banking, bank branch codes, debit cards, and credit cards. I am not affiliated with any bank or company. I strive to provide people with accurate information so that they can achieve their goals correctly. If you still have any queries, please feel free to follow my social media accounts listed below and ask questions without hesitation. Thanks.

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